
It's never too late to get started! Take it from someone who didn't start lifting weights/working out until after 60 years old! I knew statistically speaking, very few people my age are successful in losing weight and building muscle, so I decided to work with Lindsey... and we were able to accomplish something magical! 16 pounds of fat gone and 5 pounds of muscle added over the course of working with Lindsey for a few years! More importantly is the improved energy, mental health and overall sense of vitality I experienced alongside the body composition changes.

What I love the most is that we did this in a sustainable way that allowed me to still enjoy my life! It wasn't always easy but Lindsey would always modify and adapt the program based on what suits me best, which I really appreciated.  She guided me with my nutrition and taught me things I needed to know in order to successfully reach and achieve my goals. What I loved most about working with Lindsey is her positivity, can-do spirit and contagious energy. She’s the best!

Not sure how to get started?

Contact me for an assessment!

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